Well we are wrapping up sending Christmas cards out via email, hand delivery, and snail mail. We put a note with all of them to visit our blog for monthly updates so we thought we better get on this since we hadn't posted for a couple months. We promise to be better at it this year and if you feel out of the loop tell us to update more ! :)
So on to the actual update: We enjoyed a visit with Heidi's parents for the week of Thanksgiving. It was so much fun to have them here in Denver and take them around to different parts of our lives. We also toured downtown Golden, the Celestial Seasonings Factory, Hammonds Candy Cane Factory and many other fun things. We were sad to see them leave but are looking forward to a trip to the midwest sometime in 2010.
We plan to have a quiet Christmas here at home just the three of us (yes that includes Moose our dog) and then spend New Years with Kevin's family in Fort Collins. Towards the end of January we will travel to Breckenridge, CO for our yearly tradition of seeing the Ice Sculptures. http://www.gobreck.com/events/townevents/budsnowsculpture/ (check them out for yourself!)
We have lots to be Thankful for this year. Both of us still have full time jobs that we enjoy. Everyone is healthy including our larger than life puppy who is always excited about life! Also for our friends and families and the many blessings we receive from their constant love and friendship.
Our current contact info is:
email - kh_gunn@hotmail.com
address - PO Box 151066 Lakewood, CO 80215
If you would like to have cell numbers or individual email addresses or our home address. Please contact us and we will get them to you. Thanks !
*** If you did not receive a Christmas Card from us please let us know. It still could be coming in the mail but lets double check it! :)
13 December 2009
23 July 2009
Garden Update
You can see in the pictures all the pine cones and needles that the storm blew down. We have a huge pine tree outside our living room window that produces a lot of debris. Also small piles of hail that collected on the outside edge.
Kevin and I have actually enjoyed spending time in the little front yard patch weeding and checking the progress. Good thing, because the weekly storms seem to leave it a little trashed sometimes. Moose and the neighbor cats have enjoyed a lot of the cilantro that I was trying to grow. We have been able to make a couple things with it as well. The zinnas and wildflowers are now producing some flowers too! Still waiting on the carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes however.
22 July 2009
Random Life Events
I feel so behind in this blog thing... lots has been going on here and we are enjoying our Colorado Summer.
We have had a lot of rain storms and tornado warnings lately. Has been an unusual spring and summer. Here are some pictures:
Last weekend we enjoyed a family camping trip (Kevin's family). We traveled three hours south of Denver to La Vista Campground. It was Moose's first trip and he had so much fun
So much more to say and so little time. Hopefully I can post some garden pictures soon, it is coming along quite nicely!
20 June 2009
Fathers Day
To a man in my life who never had to prove anything but who accomplished so much by just being himself.
To a man who simply loves people and loves God; and who teaches those around him that is all that matters.
To a man who I proudly respect and can't imagine life without.
Happy Fathers Day Dad!
i love you
31 May 2009
We don't have much of an update here just enjoying the beautiful spring weather. It has been averaging around mid 60's to low 70's for the past couple weeks. Great weather for our garden that we are growing. We planted tomatoes, chives, cilantro, carrots, broccoli, zinnas, and a small patch of wildflowers. Everything seems to be growing in nicely so we are excited to be able to actually eat from it one of these days soon!
SIDE NOTE: We have been thinking about the concept Locavore a lot lately. Google the word.. you will find lots of great stuff. www.treehugger.com is a great website to check out as well.
We hope to post pictures of our garden soon... until then hope you are enjoying the spring weather!
19 May 2009
10 May 2009
To Our Mothers

Happy Mother's Day!
To the world you may just be one person,
but to one person you might just be the world!
We just want both of you to know how much we love you. Thanks for all the love and support you have poured into our lives.
Wish we could be with you to share the day!
Love you!
Kevin and Heidi
02 May 2009
So lot of people have been asking about our dog Moose. Here is an update for you...
Yesterday May 1st Moose turned 11 months old. He is still the ball of energy that he was 5 months ago when we got him. He has so many weird quirks that we are reminded of daily. Some of his favorite things to do include; (keep in mind he is only 4.5 lbs)
* trying to jump into the bathtub when anybody is taking a bath/shower
* carrying all his toys to the third level of our house and dropping them all down the stairs
* licking all the bottles on our wine rack
* hogging the whole couch, he just learned last week how to jump up onto the couch (mixed feelings on this one!)
* and of course... being a CLEPTO, he never chews anything up just steals socks, underwear, and basically anything that doesn't belong to him
Here is video from back in Feb. I had given Kevin a Hoops and Yo-Yo Vday card and Moose was not very excited about it. He first tried to kill and then since then just steals it and runs away to try and hide it. Enjoy!
30 April 2009
Being Parents...
This past weekend/week we got to hang out with Reed and Colleen. They have become two of our favorite little people to hang out with. This is the second time that we were able to stay with them for an extended period of time including staying over night for several evenings. These two have more energy than anybody we have ever met and they keep us on our toes! Here are some pictures of our time together...
19 April 2009
Up and Running
Kevin who knows so much more about websites and computers (since he builds and designs them) did some work on this and has it going now. YAH!! We hope to post some updates fairly often and hope you keep us informed as to how you are doing too!
18 April 2009
Trying this out...
We aren't new to the whole blog idea but just have never wanted to try it out until Heidi started playing around with it. Even now we aren't sure how we feel about it but thought it could be a good way for people to connect with us. We will just have to see how this goes...
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