Freecycle allows you to post wanted items or to offer things you would like to get rid of. This is a great way for us to clean out our closets and get rid of things when it isn't garage sale season or even leftovers from our yearly garage sale. There is also a swap group that is fun to trade things around on. You will always have people who commit and then never show up or people you email 6 times and they still never give you an address to pick up so you just have to give up on them. Overall though you can find some pretty great things!
Crib: wooden and in excellent condition, also converts to a toddler bed plus
Bookshelf: 3 shelfs, great shape
Changing Table/Dresser: excellent condition with two shelfs and three drawers
Rocking Chair: great condition, and beautiful wood!
Baby Bath Tub: brand new!
Stroller: jogging type - picking this up today, just needs a $20 new tire replacement

We were also blessed by tons of baby clothes. I have yet to purchase any clothes for her and she is set for the first 9 months of her life! One lady had two little girls and was excited to give us 8 bags of clothes, sleepers, bibs, hats, socks, bath items, etc. Amazing and yes FREE!
Of course we are grateful for our friends and family who have gifted us various items as well, including clothes, bumbo seat, books, bouncer, infant car seat w/ 2 bases, etc. We can't believe those who already love Lucy so much - both we know and don't know!
Thank You to those who have helped make sure she looks cute every day of her life and is provided for with more than she will ever need!