16 July 2010


If you have been following me on facebook you will know that I have had bronchitis for 14 days now. I first started with a cold and slight symptoms on Saturday July 3rd while we were in Florida. It was a rough weekend with lots going on, little sleep, and the start of a horrible cough. All very well worth it though being able to celebrate with Matt and Kay on their wedding day!

I am not much into doctors. They are some of my least favorite people to go visit to deal with my health. I would much rather walk into Whole Foods and have them help me and take a natural organic route than to be given antibiotics. However on day 11, tuesday, I caved and went. It was confirmed I had bronchitis. (i already knew this! thanks!)

It is now day 14 and since day 11 I have been on 10 different medications and been to the doctor twice in a 24 hour period. I have been taken off all 10 of those medications because I had an allergic reaction to most of them. My body broke out in hives and my throat began to swell shut, on top of everything else I was already dealing with! Now in order to treat my bronchitis I am using an inhaler every four hours. For 48 hours I couldn't be further than 5 miles from an Urgent Care and Kevin or someone couldn't be more than 5 miles from me either so they could take me. Good think he works close to our home!

This is not working! I am not going to give up on it but my cough and the tightness in my lungs is not going away. I feel fine, other than this pesky cough. Now i'm going back to my own route since I can't have any antibiotics.

Thank You Doctors for well basically nothing... other than now you have $300.00 of our paycheck and I have missed 2 days of work. My sickness was escalated with a rash and my time was wasted in your office. Thank You for releasing me to go back to work as of Monday and allowing me to go White Water Rafting with my husband on Saturday, because I was going to go ANYWAYS!!!


That is my soapbox. Because I have set at home for 3 days now.

Oh and as far as being in the kitchen. Not happening today, again. I am supposed to be "resting" anyways!

AND I just want to say my husband is the BEST EVER! He has taken care of the garden for me, went grocery shopping, taken me to the doctor, lived on less than minimal sleep because I lay in bed coughing, and so much more! Thank You Honey!!!

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