The freezer is stocked with breakfast, lunch and dinner options - quick easy and ready to reheat!
We have been to Target weekly for random things we know we will use. Anything from hand soap to paper plates to comfy cotton clothes that still look good in public to diapers and more diapers!
Haircuts on the calendar for both of us and Moose too.
Feeling pretty well stocked and ready to go. 1 of our 2 birthing classes are completed as well as pre registration and our hospital tour. Next we need to pack our hospital bags but if that happens to not get done at least there is something on the list for when labor starts. Right? :)
Working on wrapping up Tastefully Simple with several holiday events still open and a couple online parties still gathering orders.
Almost there...
I know Kevin will adore Lucy as much as my dad adored me. We are both looking forward to the day Lucy decides on what her passions are. Whether it be soccer (like her daddy), dance, music, art, or another sport I know that Kevin will be there 100% right beside her. Never with negative words but with advice, love and encouragement.
It is important as parents to understand that our words and the way we react to our children become their inner thoughts. It is a powerful and humbling place to be as a human. It can impact so much of someone else's life and relationships. What an important role to never take lightly.
Thank You Dad for Everything! The only thing better than having you as a dad is knowing that Lucy gets to have you as her Grandpa! We can only dream of being 1/2 of what you were for me growing up. If we can meet that goal we know Lucy will turn out amazing! I love you!
(pictures taken by Nate Dobbins at our Wedding - May 2007)
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