07 December 2012

39 weeks ... almost.

We hope!

Monday we hit the 39 week mark. It has been a long week with Heidi having a sinus infection and sore throat. Thus meaning nobody in the house is really sleeping these days - ah the joys of getting ready for an infant as if being pregnant isn't enough to endure but being sick as well. We were hoping to go into parenthood with some good rest under our belts but those days seem to be beyond us. It will be more than worth it once we hold our baby girl though so really we have nothing to complain about! :)

At our 37 week apt our doctor was out on the hospital floor delivering a baby so we saw another doctor from the practice. She was wonderful and it was fun to have a second opinion, even though we weren't really needing one. The doctor we saw felt like Heidi measured really small for being 37 weeks so she opted to do an ultra sound to check the fluid and movement of Lucy. She has been so healthy the entire time and Heidi has felt great movement from her throughout the whole pregnancy but we had no complaints getting to see our baby girl. The doctor estimated that she was about 5 lbs 15 oz and we could see that she has hair on her head! Lucy was just hanging out with her legs crossed at the ankles enjoying her afternoon - what a personality she has already!

December is always a wonderful month full of holiday celebrations, Kevin's Birthday and soon to be Lucy's and time with family.

Kevin's birthday request this year was for a day to do nothing! We can more than accommodate that around here - except if Heidi goes into labor. :) However we will do our best to give Kevin his birthday wish. Along with homemade Peanut Butter Cups (click HERE for recipe), dinner with his mom and a huge homemade breakfast of bacon, eggs and potatoes.

Our birthday traditions are fun ones and full of family; which we wouldn't trade for the world. We are excited to see what Lucy decides she wants to fill her special day with in the years to come. To see the homemade special foods she requests, the restaurant she choses for her special dinner and the activities she wants to do.

We are looking forward to lots of time with Heidi's family as her parents and sister will be here for 10 days. What a blessing to have them in town and spend special time with their granddaughter and niece. Oh what a spoiled little girl she will be!

We love the holidays and what a blessing to celebrate the birth of Jesus with friends, family, and a birth of our own!

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