With a new year we have started a new blog site. If you are interested in following our family updates the site does have restricted access as we are posting more photos so please ask us for how to find the site and login. Thanks!
Happy New Year
The Gunns
Kevin - Heidi - Lucy - Moose
19 January 2013
07 December 2012
39 weeks ... almost.
We hope!
Monday we hit the 39 week mark. It has been a long week with Heidi having a sinus infection and sore throat. Thus meaning nobody in the house is really sleeping these days - ah the joys of getting ready for an infant as if being pregnant isn't enough to endure but being sick as well. We were hoping to go into parenthood with some good rest under our belts but those days seem to be beyond us. It will be more than worth it once we hold our baby girl though so really we have nothing to complain about! :)
At our 37 week apt our doctor was out on the hospital floor delivering a baby so we saw another doctor from the practice. She was wonderful and it was fun to have a second opinion, even though we weren't really needing one. The doctor we saw felt like Heidi measured really small for being 37 weeks so she opted to do an ultra sound to check the fluid and movement of Lucy. She has been so healthy the entire time and Heidi has felt great movement from her throughout the whole pregnancy but we had no complaints getting to see our baby girl. The doctor estimated that she was about 5 lbs 15 oz and we could see that she has hair on her head! Lucy was just hanging out with her legs crossed at the ankles enjoying her afternoon - what a personality she has already!
December is always a wonderful month full of holiday celebrations, Kevin's Birthday and soon to be Lucy's and time with family.
Kevin's birthday request this year was for a day to do nothing! We can more than accommodate that around here - except if Heidi goes into labor. :) However we will do our best to give Kevin his birthday wish. Along with homemade Peanut Butter Cups (click HERE for recipe), dinner with his mom and a huge homemade breakfast of bacon, eggs and potatoes.
Our birthday traditions are fun ones and full of family; which we wouldn't trade for the world. We are excited to see what Lucy decides she wants to fill her special day with in the years to come. To see the homemade special foods she requests, the restaurant she choses for her special dinner and the activities she wants to do.
We are looking forward to lots of time with Heidi's family as her parents and sister will be here for 10 days. What a blessing to have them in town and spend special time with their granddaughter and niece. Oh what a spoiled little girl she will be!
We love the holidays and what a blessing to celebrate the birth of Jesus with friends, family, and a birth of our own!
We hope!
Monday we hit the 39 week mark. It has been a long week with Heidi having a sinus infection and sore throat. Thus meaning nobody in the house is really sleeping these days - ah the joys of getting ready for an infant as if being pregnant isn't enough to endure but being sick as well. We were hoping to go into parenthood with some good rest under our belts but those days seem to be beyond us. It will be more than worth it once we hold our baby girl though so really we have nothing to complain about! :)
At our 37 week apt our doctor was out on the hospital floor delivering a baby so we saw another doctor from the practice. She was wonderful and it was fun to have a second opinion, even though we weren't really needing one. The doctor we saw felt like Heidi measured really small for being 37 weeks so she opted to do an ultra sound to check the fluid and movement of Lucy. She has been so healthy the entire time and Heidi has felt great movement from her throughout the whole pregnancy but we had no complaints getting to see our baby girl. The doctor estimated that she was about 5 lbs 15 oz and we could see that she has hair on her head! Lucy was just hanging out with her legs crossed at the ankles enjoying her afternoon - what a personality she has already!
December is always a wonderful month full of holiday celebrations, Kevin's Birthday and soon to be Lucy's and time with family.
Kevin's birthday request this year was for a day to do nothing! We can more than accommodate that around here - except if Heidi goes into labor. :) However we will do our best to give Kevin his birthday wish. Along with homemade Peanut Butter Cups (click HERE for recipe), dinner with his mom and a huge homemade breakfast of bacon, eggs and potatoes.
Our birthday traditions are fun ones and full of family; which we wouldn't trade for the world. We are excited to see what Lucy decides she wants to fill her special day with in the years to come. To see the homemade special foods she requests, the restaurant she choses for her special dinner and the activities she wants to do.
We are looking forward to lots of time with Heidi's family as her parents and sister will be here for 10 days. What a blessing to have them in town and spend special time with their granddaughter and niece. Oh what a spoiled little girl she will be!
We love the holidays and what a blessing to celebrate the birth of Jesus with friends, family, and a birth of our own!
25 November 2012
Christmas Time
I love traditions and I love that even though for 5+ years we have just been a family of three, yes that includes our puppy, that we still have created lots of them.
Hard work setting up the tree - Kevin had to take a nap! |
One of my favorites is setting up our Christmas tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving. One of the best parts of digging out all the our Christmas decor is seeing all the ornaments we have collected together. We have a tradition that every time we go on vacation we purchase a Christmas ornament for our tree. That way every year when we pull out the box we can see all the fun places we have traveled together and the memories we have created.
Another favorite part is a couple days after Christmas we go to Target and sort through all the clearance Christmas items. We pick out several things and put them away in one of our boxes. The following year when we go to pull out the boxes we open up to surprises that were wicked cheap! This year we discovered that we had picked out a couple ornaments and all of Moose's gifts! That was a great surprise to know we don't have to shop for him. :)
FOUR stockings!!! |
This year as we set up our house for Christmas it was crazy to think about that in January when we take things down Lucy will be with us. We can't wait for her to be part of the traditions we already have and of course all the new ones we will make with her.
AND of course this year we will be a family of four not three!
13 November 2012
5 weeks...
The nursery is almost done.
The freezer is stocked with breakfast, lunch and dinner options - quick easy and ready to reheat!
We have been to Target weekly for random things we know we will use. Anything from hand soap to paper plates to comfy cotton clothes that still look good in public to diapers and more diapers!
Haircuts on the calendar for both of us and Moose too.
Feeling pretty well stocked and ready to go. 1 of our 2 birthing classes are completed as well as pre registration and our hospital tour. Next we need to pack our hospital bags but if that happens to not get done at least there is something on the list for when labor starts. Right? :)
Working on wrapping up Tastefully Simple with several holiday events still open and a couple online parties still gathering orders.
Almost there...
I am SO excited for Lucy to just get here. I can't wait for Kevin to hold her and love her. Since I was little my dad has been one of my best friends. I lean on him for everything. Even as we prepare to have our own little one in the house I still call my daddy for much needed advice, love, and support. Growing up my dad and I joined our local 4H club and it was "our thing" - I have so many fun memories and learned so much about who I was. My dad was always the one there no matter what with encouraging words. He taught me how to be a good sport win or lose and helped me see the importance of working as a team. I don't ever remember a time that my dad spoke negative words to me or others. He has always been a hard working and well respected man in our family, church and community. His love for God and the way he trusts in God's promises provided an example to me that I can only dream of us passing on to our own children.
When I met Kevin 10 years ago I saw so much of my dad in him. We became best friends quickly doing ministry together and the more I got to know him the more I knew he was going to be the best husband and father there was. As my parents welcomed Kevin into our family I quickly saw my dad and Kevin become great friends as well. Kevin now also looks to my dad for advice, love and support. He knows that my dad will never have negative things to say but because Kevin trusts him and his opinion they can talk honestly about things.
I know Kevin will adore Lucy as much as my dad adored me. We are both looking forward to the day Lucy decides on what her passions are. Whether it be soccer (like her daddy), dance, music, art, or another sport I know that Kevin will be there 100% right beside her. Never with negative words but with advice, love and encouragement.
It is important as parents to understand that our words and the way we react to our children become their inner thoughts. It is a powerful and humbling place to be as a human. It can impact so much of someone else's life and relationships. What an important role to never take lightly.

Thank You Dad for Everything! The only thing better than having you as a dad is knowing that Lucy gets to have you as her Grandpa! We can only dream of being 1/2 of what you were for me growing up. If we can meet that goal we know Lucy will turn out amazing! I love you!
(pictures taken by Nate Dobbins at our Wedding - May 2007)
The freezer is stocked with breakfast, lunch and dinner options - quick easy and ready to reheat!
We have been to Target weekly for random things we know we will use. Anything from hand soap to paper plates to comfy cotton clothes that still look good in public to diapers and more diapers!
Haircuts on the calendar for both of us and Moose too.
Feeling pretty well stocked and ready to go. 1 of our 2 birthing classes are completed as well as pre registration and our hospital tour. Next we need to pack our hospital bags but if that happens to not get done at least there is something on the list for when labor starts. Right? :)
Working on wrapping up Tastefully Simple with several holiday events still open and a couple online parties still gathering orders.
Almost there...
I know Kevin will adore Lucy as much as my dad adored me. We are both looking forward to the day Lucy decides on what her passions are. Whether it be soccer (like her daddy), dance, music, art, or another sport I know that Kevin will be there 100% right beside her. Never with negative words but with advice, love and encouragement.
It is important as parents to understand that our words and the way we react to our children become their inner thoughts. It is a powerful and humbling place to be as a human. It can impact so much of someone else's life and relationships. What an important role to never take lightly.
Thank You Dad for Everything! The only thing better than having you as a dad is knowing that Lucy gets to have you as her Grandpa! We can only dream of being 1/2 of what you were for me growing up. If we can meet that goal we know Lucy will turn out amazing! I love you!
(pictures taken by Nate Dobbins at our Wedding - May 2007)
29 October 2012
7 weeks...
As we end October and head into November things are very busy! We are enjoying the great Colorado Fall weather that has lasted longer than many previous falls. Leaves are still changing; we still have flowers blooming in our garden because of minimal frost and snow fall and the temps remain in the mid 60s.
Kevin has wrapped up traveling for the year for work and will not resume any more travel until mid March or so. We are grateful for a wonderful company that he loves working for and the flexibility and support they show for making our family a top priority. Besides the long commute, spending over 10 hours a week in his car, working for a company that he loves and being challenged daily at his job have been great for him and made the job transition so much easier for our whole family.
Heidi has been booked out with seven events for Tastefully Simple in November. It is the busy time of year for business with holiday orders, craft fairs, and parties. We are blessed daily by her being able to work from home and set her schedule as her energy allows. Starting December 1st through March 1st we have set up maternity leave which of course still allows for online parties and orders. With March already booked out with parties Heidi looks forward to being able to balance working in the evenings while Kevin and Lucy have daddy daughter time!
If you follow us on Facebook you will see that last Saturday we had a Good Will/Thrift Store Shopping Day. All of the Good Will stores were having 50% off sales so we hit up three stores to find some great deals. Lucy's nursery is almost complete and we are ready to just stock up on diapers and hang a few decorative items. Pictures will be posted when nursery is complete and ready! (see Good Will photos on facebook)
We have been so blessed with the three showers people hosted and attended for us. Lucy is one spoiled little girl already. Thank You to those who have encouraged and loved us through this process. We can't wait for each of you to be a special part of her life.
November for us also includes child birthing classes at the hospital, continuing of prep for freezer meals, Thanksgiving festivities, and of course some fun date nights for just us! With just seven weeks away from our due date we can't wait to meet our little girl!
Kevin has wrapped up traveling for the year for work and will not resume any more travel until mid March or so. We are grateful for a wonderful company that he loves working for and the flexibility and support they show for making our family a top priority. Besides the long commute, spending over 10 hours a week in his car, working for a company that he loves and being challenged daily at his job have been great for him and made the job transition so much easier for our whole family.
Heidi has been booked out with seven events for Tastefully Simple in November. It is the busy time of year for business with holiday orders, craft fairs, and parties. We are blessed daily by her being able to work from home and set her schedule as her energy allows. Starting December 1st through March 1st we have set up maternity leave which of course still allows for online parties and orders. With March already booked out with parties Heidi looks forward to being able to balance working in the evenings while Kevin and Lucy have daddy daughter time!
If you follow us on Facebook you will see that last Saturday we had a Good Will/Thrift Store Shopping Day. All of the Good Will stores were having 50% off sales so we hit up three stores to find some great deals. Lucy's nursery is almost complete and we are ready to just stock up on diapers and hang a few decorative items. Pictures will be posted when nursery is complete and ready! (see Good Will photos on facebook)
We have been so blessed with the three showers people hosted and attended for us. Lucy is one spoiled little girl already. Thank You to those who have encouraged and loved us through this process. We can't wait for each of you to be a special part of her life.
November for us also includes child birthing classes at the hospital, continuing of prep for freezer meals, Thanksgiving festivities, and of course some fun date nights for just us! With just seven weeks away from our due date we can't wait to meet our little girl!
08 October 2012
For My Baby Girl
I was searching on Pinterest the other day looking for fun decorating ideas for Lucy's room. I wanted to make her something very simple. Here is my final creation. I can't wait to hang it up and have her room completely decorated! 10 weeks until her arrival!!!
02 October 2012
Baby Moon 2 - Fall Date Day
Two of my very favorite places in Colorado are Georgetown and Breckenridge. Lucky for us they are both less than an two hours away and it makes a great day trip for us to enjoy together.
This past week I was dying to get out and see the changing of the leaves. We have yet to see a lot of color down here in the foothills so I asked Kevin to take me higher into the mountains to see the orange, yellow, and reds!
We enjoyed a quiet morning in Georgetown, about 30 minutes from us, at our favorite Old Town Soda Fountain. Kevin always loves a Cherry Coke and I love their Vanilla Rootbeers. We enjoyed walking around downtown - which consists of one main street full of shops and purchasing some cinnamon hard candy that is to die for! Afterwards we stopped by a picnic spot for a snack and some photos before heading up to Breckenridge.
When we reached Breck we walked around town for a couple hours and enjoyed the Celtic Fest that was happening and then stopped in at Whale's Tail - our most favorite happy hour spot. You can't beat the best wings ever for 50 cents each and 10 cent peel and eat shrimp and of course $2 beers that Kevin enjoyed for all of us :) We always joke that if we lived closer than the hour drive we would eat there several nights a week, it really is that good!
It was a perfect Fall Day filled with lots of our favorite things. So grateful for the time we have together and the small getaways that we can enjoy. Next time we will have Lucy along and we can't wait for her to be part of our favorite fall memories next year!
This past week I was dying to get out and see the changing of the leaves. We have yet to see a lot of color down here in the foothills so I asked Kevin to take me higher into the mountains to see the orange, yellow, and reds!
We enjoyed a quiet morning in Georgetown, about 30 minutes from us, at our favorite Old Town Soda Fountain. Kevin always loves a Cherry Coke and I love their Vanilla Rootbeers. We enjoyed walking around downtown - which consists of one main street full of shops and purchasing some cinnamon hard candy that is to die for! Afterwards we stopped by a picnic spot for a snack and some photos before heading up to Breckenridge.

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