26 April 2010

Moose. (tear stains, heartworm, etc)

This post is for our dog and all his friends.

We got Moose (our maltese) in October of 2008. He was four months old and became the biggest joy in our family. What a high energy, loving, and faithful puppy!

When we brought Moose into our family we had decided that we would do everything we could to make sure he was given the best love and care possible. This for us meant working with a pet store in Boulder called ONLY NATURAL PET STORE (yep really their name!) to ensure he was getting the best diet, treats, and products for his heath and still stay within a decent budget. It was important to us that our standard of living for ourselves reach our pets as well; such as not putting harmful chemicals into our bodies.

The Maltese breed is really famous for having tear stains under their eyes. We tried many things on our own and finally consulted ONPS for their opinion. They suggested we do an elimination diet with Moose and see what helped reduce and heighten those stains and tears running from his eyes. First we cut out wheat and that helped. Second we cut out grains all together. Tear Stains Gone! Success. He now eats an all natural food that pretty much only contains chicken and sweet potatoes. Loves it. His treats are also very simple; he eats dehydrated sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas. I even make them at home in our dehydrator! Awesome way to use up apples and bananas that seem to go bad too quickly in our fruit basket.

Among many discoveries we have had we want to share one more with you. Heartworm treatment.

I hate giving animals heartworm pills. Talk about huge gross pills that are way over priced! Here is what ONPS suggests:

A product called HW PROTECT , check it out! We give it to Moose two to three times a day with a little treat, usually a small amount of all natural peanut butter on a spoon. :) The cost is next to nothing for a small dog. He gets 2 drops 3 times a day during HW season. This bottle that we bought for 15.00 will last us over 3 years! Seriously, can't beat that. Check it out!

Yah for happy healthy humans and pets!

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